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Thursday, January 27, 2011

The stars

In every play, movie, or story there are numerous characters in various roles.

Life is like a movie. There are the main actors or actresses. There are supporting actors, those actors who you see once or twice in the show, and a whole backstage crew.

In our personal lives we are the main actors or actresses. Our friends and other people we meet are the supporting actors or those actors that show up once or twice. And our family or close friends are the backstage crew members.

But in our public, social lives things are different. Usually the men are seen as the main characters of society, because they are the ones working and providing for their families. On the other hand women are seen more as the back stage crew, and they are treated that way.

I think they are the back stage crew, because they have the responsibility to raise our children. But that does not mean that’s all their good for. That doesn’t mean they should be pushed around or used in a way that only benefits men.

If they are part of the back stage crew, they should be treated as such. In a high school play the back stage members usually do a lot of work and most get recognized for their hard work. We as a society should start recognizing the hard work that the back stage members put in.

They have some of the hardest jobs around and should get the honor and recognition they deserve.

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