
The point of this blog is to discuss different topics about how to

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Friday, January 28, 2011


Recently my friend broke his arm and has a cast now. The cast is an interesting invention. Wherever it is the arm or the leg it does the same thing. A cast or brace as it is also called is meant to hold your bone in a certain position until it has time to heal.

Why can’t we be more like a cast? Why can’t we be there for others when they need us? Some people are afraid of sharing their true feelings with others and some people aren’t ready to support or comfort those who need comfort. There are people out there who are great at this, and we should learn from them.

In my opinion, if we all took time to truly understand each other and comfort each other when needed, we could defeat some of the angry and hate out there. Some people are just misunderstood. We need to take time and listen or comfort them until the problem is resolved.

We need to be more like a cast.

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